
Learning Academy

This academy continued to operate and provided leadership and knowledge sharing courses during the period.

The management training course, “Da Giocatore a Coach” (From player to coach), involving 120 international managers, was of great importance providing training on the management and assessment of colleagues both through classroom and webinar sessions. This course is part of the management performance programme and promotes a common approach to developing professional growth.

The “Train the Trainer” course was attended by various staff levels (managers and professionals) and is designed to build up the skills of internal trainers and mentors and their ability to share their key knowledge of the Group’s business. The course focused on “Presenting to International Audiences” methods. The participants, who are all internal members, were involved as lecturers in the International Construction Management masters course for new graduates at the Milan Polytechnic University.

During the period, the Group designed and prepared the new innovative e-learning platform to be rolled out in the second half of the year to become the Group’s main international training hub. It will provide group employees with access to courses they are interested in, regardless of their location. The new on-line training programme has different courses, including a section for newly hired employees who can use innovative methods such as tutorial videos and training pills.