Other information

Compliance with the conditions of article 36 of the Stock Exchange Regulation

Salini Impregilo confirms that it complies with the conditions of article 36 of Consob regulation no. 16191 (“Regulation on markets”), based on the procedures adopted before article 36 was effective and the availability of the related information.

Research and development

Pursuant to article 2428 of the Italian Civil Code, we note that the Group did not undertake any research and development activities during the period.

Repurchase of treasury shares

The repurchase programme approved by the parent’s shareholders in their ordinary meeting of 19 September 2014 started on 6 October 2014. At the reporting date, the parent had repurchased 3,104,377 treasury shares for €7,676,914.46.

Related parties

Reference should be made to the note 36 to the condensed interim consolidated financial statements at 30 June 2016 for a description of related party transactions.


On behalf of the board of directors