The item ‘Non-current assets (Liabilities) held for sale and discontinued operations’ in the consolidated statement of financial position, income and cash flows of the Salini Impregilo Group as at December 31, 2014 includes the following main elements:
- the remaining net assets of the SUW Campania Projects;
- the net assets pertaining to business units of the subsidiary Todini Costruzioni Generali S.p.A. and its controlling interests earmarked for sale to Third Parties;
- an asset owned by the subsidiary Co.Ge.Ma. S.p.A., whose sale was finalized in the early days of 2015.
Furthermore, as regards Fisia Babcock Environment GmbH, in view of the fact that during the second quarter of 2014 it was sold to external parties, the profit (loss) from discontinued operations at December 31, 2014, includes the profit from the sale which, net of taxes and other directly associated costs, totaled €89.2 million.
The main information about the performance of these disposal groups in 2014 is presented below in this chapter, in accordance with an approach consistent and homogeneous with the information presented in the Annual financial report of the Salini Group for the 2013 reporting year.