Statement of changes in consolidated equity



Consolidated financial statements

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

  Other reserves
(Values in €/000)NoteShare capitalShare premium reserveLegal reserveTranslation reserveStock option reserveHedging reserveActuarial (gains) losses reserve
As at 1 January 2012 (§) 18 718,364 1,222 18,714 18,476 260 (7,022) (389)
Allocation of profit and reserves 18 2,803
Dividend distribution 18
Other changes 18 (260)
Dividend distribution to non-controlling interests  
Profit for the year 18
Other comprehensive expense 18 (20,758) 269 (427)
Total comprehensive income 18 (20,758) 269 (427)
As at 31 December 2012 (§) 18 718,364 1,222 21,517 (2,282) (6,753) (816)
As at 1 January 2013 (§) 18 718,364 1,222 21,517 (2,282) (6,753) (816)
Allocation of profit and reserves 18 36,930
Dividend distribution 18
Other changes 18
Profit for the year 18
Other comprehensive expense 18 (2,517) 1,185 (175)
Total comprehensive income 18 (2,517) 1,185 (175)
As at 31 December 2013 18 718,364 1,222 58,447 (4,799) (5,568) (991)

(§) Figures restated following the application of IAS 19 revised

 Total other reservesRetained earningsProfit for the yearEquity attributable to the owners of the parentNon-controlling interestsTotal equity
As at 1 January 2012 (§) 30,039 328,540 177,394 1,255,559 6,928 1,262,487
Allocation of profit and reserves 2,803 174,591 (177,394)
Dividend distribution (36,641) (36,641) (36,641)
Other changes (260) 126 (134) (118) (252)
Dividend distribution to non-controlling interests (1,381) (1,381)
Profit for the year 603,086 603,086 340 603,426
Other comprehensive expense (20,916) (20,916) (918) (21,834)
Total comprehensive income (20,916) 603,086 582,170 (578) 581,592
As at 31 December 2012 (§) 11,666 466,616 603,086 1,800,954 4,851 1,805,805
As at 1 January 2013 (§) 11,666 466,616 603,086 1,800,954 4,851 1,805,805
Allocation of profit and reserves 36,930 566,156 (603,086)
Dividend distribution (602,238) (602,238) (602,238)
Other changes (254) (254) 10,334 10,080
Profit for the year 187,748 187,748 318 188,066
Other comprehensive expense (1,507) (1,507) (1,193) (2,700)
Total comprehensive income (1,507) 187,748 186,241 (875) 185,366
As at 31 December 2013 47,089 430,280 187,748 1,384,703 14,310 1,399,013