Notes to the consolidated financial statements 0.2 MB Download ZIP Statement of financial position 1. Property, plant and equipment 50 KB 2. Intangible assets - Rights to infrastructure under concession 50 KB 3. Other intangible assets 50 KB 4. Goodwill 50 KB 5. Equity investments 50 KB 6. Non-current financial assets 50 KB 7. Non-current intragroup loans and receivables 50 KB 8. Other non-current assets 50 KB 9. Deferred tax assets and liabilities 50 KB 10. Inventories 50 KB 11. Contract work in progress 50 KB 12. Trade receivables and current intragroup loans and receivables 50 KB 13. Derivatives and other current financial assets 50 KB 14. Current tax assets and other current tax assets 50 KB 15. Other current assets 50 KB 16. Cash and cash equivalents 50 KB 17. Non-current assets (liabilities) held for sale and discontinued operations and profit from discontinued operations 50 KB 18. Equity 50 KB 19. Bank and other loans 50 KB 20. Bonds 50 KB 21. Finance lease payables 50 KB 22. Derivative liabilities 50 KB 23. Post-employment benefits and employee benefits 50 KB 24. Provisions for risks 50 KB 25. Other non-current liabilities 50 KB 26. Progress payments and advances on contract work in progress 50 KB 27. Trade payables and current intragroup payables 50 KB 28. Current tax liabilities and other current tax liabilities 50 KB 29. Other current liabilities 50 KB 30. Guarantees and commitments 50 KB 31. Financial instruments and risk management 50 KB Download ZIP Income statement 32. Revenue 50 KB 33. Raw materials and consumables 50 KB 34. Financial income 50 KB 35. Gains (losses) on investments 50 KB 36. Income tax expense 50 KB 37. Related party transactions 50 KB 38. Significant non-recurring events and transactions 50 KB 39. Balances or transactions arising from atypical and/or unusual transactions 50 KB 40. Earnings per share 50 KB 41. Events after the reporting period 50 KB Download ZIP