Consolidated statement of cash flows



Consolidated financial statements

Consolidated statement of cash flows

(Values in €/000) Note 2013 2012 (§) 
Cash and cash equivalents 16  1,243,086  678,389 
 Current account facilities 19  (83,935)  (102,448) 
Total opening cash and cash equivalents 1,159,151  575,941 
Operating activities    
Profit (loss) for the year from continuing operations 107,431  (113,610) 
Amortisation of intangible assets 33  3,366  1,371 
Amortisation of rights to infrastructure under concession 33  725  695 
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 33  88,961  107,689 
Net impairment losses and provisions 33  10,191  (2,607) 
Accrual for post-employment benefits and employee benefits 33  16,190  17,655 
Net (gains) losses on the sale of assets 7,877  4,945 
Deferred taxes 36  8,920  2,632 
Share of loss of equity-accounted investees 35  (2,598)  (1,359) 
Other non-monetary items 341  3,106 
Total income statement 241,404  20,517 
Decrease (increase) in inventories (79)  (105,552) 
Decrease (increase) in trade receivables (125,858)  (35,082) 
Decrease (increase) in intragroup loans and receivables (33,914)  (36,179) 
(Decrease) increase in progress payments and advances from customers (8,209)  89,864 
(Decrease) increase in trade payables (60,007)  65,721 
(Decrease) increase in intragroup payables 24,154  39,728 
Decrease (increase) in other assets/liabilities (33,816)  (62,344) 
of which: cash flows from related party transactions 37  (4,587)  (13,101) 
Total operating cash flows (237,729)  (43,844) 
Cash flows from (used in) operating activities 3,675  (23,327) 
Investing activities    
Net investments in intangible assets 23 (2,954)  (1,374) 
Acquisitions, net of cash acquired (21,020)  – 
Investments in property, plant and equipment 117 (35,274)  (71,777) 
Proceeds from the sale or reimbursement value of property, plant and equipment 10,606  15,667 
Investments in non-current financial assets 5  (36,965)  (14,822) 
Dividends and capital repayments from equity-accounted investees 5  596  1,033 
Proceeds from the sale or reimbursement value of non-current financial assets 43,842  118 
Cash flows from (used in) investing activities (41,169)  (71,155) 
Financing activities    
Dividend distribution to Impregilo shareholders (602,238)  (36,641) 
Dividend distribution to other shareholders (720) 
Increase in bank and other loans 305,052  329,936 
Decrease in bank and other loans (480,476)  (630,484) 
Change in other financial assets/liabilities (3,687)  (16,928) 
Change in consolidation scope (43,227)   
Cash flows from (used in) financing activities (824,576)  (354,837) 
Net cash flows from (used in) discontinued operations 17  427,730  1,033,040 
Net exchange rate losses on cash and cash equivalents (5,360)  (511) 
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (439,700)  583,210 
Cash and cash equivalents 16  813,290  1,243,086 
Current account facilities 19  (93,839)  (83,935) 
Total closing cash and cash equivalents 719,451  1,159,151 
Other information:    
Income taxes paid during the year (79,792)  (37,994) 
Net interest paid during the year (48,367)  (70,055) 

(§) Figures restated following the application of IAS 19 revised and to reflect the different presentation of certain financial assets following the acquisition by Salini S.p.A.. To align the disclosure to the approach adopted by the parent, the assets related to subordinated loans granted to associates and receivables for disposals of investments - previously shown under the items "Non-current intragroup loans and receivables", "Other non-current assets" and "Other current assets" - have been reclassified in the items "Non-current financial assets" and "Derivatives and other current financial assets".