Financial position of the Parent Company Salini Impregilo S.p.A.

Tab. 5 - Reclassified statement of financial position of the Parent Company Salini Impregilo S.p.A.

(Amounts in thousands of euros) Note(*)December 31, 2014December 31, 2013 (§)Change
Property, plant and equipment, intangibles and non-current financial assets 1-2-3 1,055,488 549,174 506,314
Provisions for risks 19 (36,952) (134,228) 97,276
Post-employment benefits and employee benefits 18 (11,322) (11,690) 368
Tax assets (liabilities) 5-10-22 18,629 (13,086) 31,715
Inventories 6 192,130 33,833 158,297
Contract work in progress 7 765,792 441,444 324,348
Advances on contract work in progress 20 (803,169) (198,484) (604,685)
Receivables (**) 8 986,438 795,502 190,936
Payables 21 (863,255) (476,228) (387,027)
Other current assets 11 318,956 116,219 202,737
Other current liabilities 23 (137,152) (63,619) (73,533)
Working capital   459,740 648,667 (188,927)
Net invested capital   1,485,583 1,038,837 446,746
Shareholders’ equity 13 942,987 1,193,825 (250,838)
Net financial position   542,596 (154,988) 697,584
Total financial resources   1,485,583 1,038,837 (948,422)

(*) The note numbers refer to the notes to the separate financial statements of Salini Impregilo S.p.A. where the items are analyzed in detail.
(**) This item includes €65.9 million (€44.5 million at December 31, 2013) representing the portion of net receivables pertaining to consortia and/or consortium companies over which no entity has control and operating under a cost recharging system, which corresponds to the Group’s share of cash and cash equivalents or financial debt with SPVs.
(§) The statement of financial position data at December 31, 2013 were reclassified due to the adoption of the new standards IFRS 10 and IFRS 11.

Net invested capital

For the Parent Company, this item increases overall by €446.7 million compared with the previous year.

The main variations of the year contributing to the decrease are described below:

Property, plant and equipment, intangibles and non-current financial assets

Property, plant and equipment, intangibles and non-current financial assets increased overall by €506.3 million, including the amount deriving from the merger of Salini S.p.A. into Impregilo S.p.A., of €267.4 million. This item is broken down in the table below:

amounts in thousands of eurosDecember 31, 2014December 31, 2013Change
Property, plant and equipment 268,805 19,975 248,830
Intangible assets 84,058 44,948 39,110
Investments in associates 702,625 484,251 218,374
Total property, plant and equipment, intangibles and non-current financial assets 1,055,488 549,174 506,314

Property, plant and equipment increased by €248.8 million, including €224.6 million deriving from the merger. The other changes mainly related to depreciation of €77.0 million, investments of €108.9 million mainly referring to foreign contracts, disposals of €9.0 million, and other gains – including exchange rate gains – totaling €1.3 million.

Intangible fixed assets referred mainly to costs for obtaining contracts, which increased by €39.1 million. Within this item, €25.4 million relates to the acquisition of a portion of the works on the Riyadh metro system and €36.7 million relates to future profits from orders in the backlog of the former Impregilo S.p.A. recognized after the merger, in line with the consolidated financial statements. Depreciation for the period amounted to €23.0 million.

Equity investments increased by €218.4 million, of which €42.6 million pertaining to equity investments held by the former Salini as at December 31, 2013 and €112.4 million due to the greater value of the equity investments of former Impregilo recognized at the merger.

Provisions for risks

Provisions for risks amounted to €36.9 million and show a net decrease of €97.3 million in total, mainly due to the receivable that the parent company claims is due from the associate Grupo Unidos por el Canal SA (Panama) being shown net of the provisions for risks on equity investments recognized in line with the assessment of the loss to complete the contract; in 2013, the net receivable had a negative value and was recognized in the item provisions for risks on equity investments for €76.6 million, while in 2014, following the increase in the receivables for loans granted during the year, it was positive and classified in the item equity investments.

Post-employment benefits and employee benefits

This item amounted to €11.3 million, with little change compared with the previous year. The contribution deriving from the merger was €1.9 million. Ordinary operations saw provisions of €7.6 million, payments and financing of reserves of €10.2 million and other changes of €0.3 million.

Tax assets (liabilities)

At December 31, 2014, net tax assets were positive at €18.6 million, against a negative net balance of €13.1 million for the previous financial year. The breakdown and variations for this item are as follows:

amounts in thousands of eurosDecember 31, 2014December 31, 2013Change
Prepaid tax assets 57,527 36,434 21,093
Deferred tax liabilities (97,872) (98,932) 1,060
Total net deferred assets (liabilities) (40,345) (62,498) 22,153
Current tax assets 46,581 46,541 40
Current tax liabilities (27,292) (45,750) 18,458
Total net current tax assets (liabilities) 19,289 791 18,498
Other tax receivables 47,091 52,963 (5,872)
Other tax payables (7,406) (4,342) (3,064)
Total other current tax assets (liabilities) 39,685 48,621 (8,936)
Total tax assets (liabilities) 18,629 (13,086) 31,715

A more detailed examination of the variations affecting these items is provided in the notes to the separate financial statements of Salini Impregilo S.p.A. for the year 2014 provided elsewhere in this Annual Report.

Working capital

Working capital at December 31, 2014 amounted to €459.7 million, a decrease of €188.9 million compared with the previous year. The main changes in working capital related to developments in the Company’s operating activities and the greater production on certain domestic and international contracts during the year. They are summarized below:

  • inventories totaled €192.1 million, an increase of €158.3 million, of which €132.1 million as a result of the merger;
  • Contract work in progress moved from €441.4 million to €765.8 million, an increase of €324.3 million, of which €251.4 as a result of the merger;
  • advances on work in progress amounted to €803.2 million, an increase of €604.7 million, of which €557.6 as a result of the merger;
  • receivables totaled €986.4 million, an increase of €190.9 million. The merger added €306.5 million in receivables, while the year in question saw a reduction of €115.6 million;
  • payables increased by €387.0 million, of which €286.9 million deriving from the merger;
  • other current assets increased by €202.8 million, including €75.9 million as a result of the merger. The changes during the year are due mainly to increases in advances to suppliers and prepayments, mainly as a result of new contracts begun during the year;
  • other current liabilities increased by €73.5 million compared to last year, of which €26.7 million as a result of the merger.

Net financial position

The net financial position of the Parent Company at December 31, 2014 was negative at -€542.6 million, compared with the previous year’s figure which was positive and amounted to €154.9 million.

The following table shows Salini Impregilo S.p.A.’s net financial position at December 31, 2014 compared with the previous year-end.

Tab. 6 - Net financial position of the Parent Company Salini Impregilo S.p.A.

(Amounts in thousands of euros)Note(*)December 31, 2014 December 31, 2013 (§) Change
Non-current financial assets 4 39,083   29,810   9,273
Current financial assets 9 435,927   225,973   209,954
Cash and cash equivalents 12 380,867   310,442   70,425
Total cash and cash equivalents and other financial assets   855,877   566,255   289,652
Bank loans and other facilities 14 (405,086)   (98,839)   (306,247)
Bond issues 15 (394,326)   -   (394,326)
Finance lease payables 16 (88,673)   (12)   (88,661)
Total non-current indebtedness   (888,085)   (98,851)   (789,234)
Bank account overdrafts and current portion of financing facilities 14 (529,102)   (357,925)   (171,177)
Current portion of bond issues 15 (10,203)   -   (10,203)
Current portion of finance lease payables 16 (36,742)   (22)   (36,720)
Total current indebtedness   (576,047)   (357,947)   (218,100)
Derivative assets 9 -   1,016   (1,016)
Derivative liabilities 17 (294)   -   (294)
Net financial assets held by SPVs and unconsolidated project companies (**)   65,953   44,545   21,408
Total other financial assets (liabilities)   65,659   45,561   20,098
Net financial position including non-current assets held for sale   (542,596)   154,988   (697,584)

(*) The note numbers refer to the notes to the consolidated financial statements where the items are analyzed in detail.
(**) This item recognizes the portion of net payables and receivables pertaining to consortia and/or consortium companies over which no entity has control and operating under a cost recharging system, which corresponds to the Group’s share of cash and cash equivalents or financial debt with SPVs. In the financial statements, the balances are included in Trade Receivables.
(§)The data at December 31, 2013 were reclassified due to the adoption of the new standards IFRS 10 and IFRS 11.