The Group’s portfolio of foreign concessions comprises both investments in the operators, which are fully operational and, hence, provide services for a fee or at rates applied to the infrastructure’s users, and operators that are still developing and constructing the related infrastructure and will only provide the related service in future years.
The current concessions are held in Latin America (Argentina, Colombia and Peru), the UK and Turkey. They refer to the transport sector (motorways, metro systems and car parks), hospitals, renewable energy and water treatment sectors.
The two Argentine operators are currently in liquidation and their contracts have been terminated.
The following tables show the main figures of the foreign concessions at the reporting date, broken down by business segment:
Country |
Operator |
% of |
total |
Stage |
Start date |
End date |
Argentina |
Iglys S.A. |
98.0 |
holding |
Argentina |
Autopistas Del Sol |
19.8 |
120 |
active |
1993 |
2020 |
Argentina |
Puentes del Litoral S.A. |
26.0 |
59.6 |
in liquidation |
1998 |
Argentina |
Mercovia S.A. |
60.0 |
18 |
active |
1996 |
2021 |
Colombia |
Yuma Concessionaria S.A. (Ruta del Sol) |
48.3 |
465 |
active |
2011 |
2036 |
Country |
Operator |
% of |
total |
Stage |
Start date |
End date |
Peru |
Metro de Lima Linea 2 S.A. |
18.3 |
35 |
Not yet active |
2014 |
2049 |
Country |
Operator |
% of |
Installed |
Stage |
Sart date |
End date |
Argentina |
Yacylec S.A. |
18.7 |
T line |
active |
1992 |
2091 |
Argentina |
Enecor S.A. |
30.0 |
T line |
active |
1995 |
2094 |
Country |
Operator |
% of |
Pop. |
Stage |
Start ate |
End date |
Argentina |
Aguas del G. Buenos Aires S.A. |
42.6 |
210 k |
in liquidation |
2000 |
Peru |
Consorcio Agua Azul S.A. |
25.5 |
740 k |
active |
2000 |
2027 |
Country |
Operator |
% of |
No. |
Stage |
Start date |
End date |
GB |
Impregilo Wolverhampton Ltd. |
20.0 |
150 k medical visits |
active |
2002 |
2032 |
GB |
Ochre Solutions Ltd-Ospedale di Oxford |
40.0 |
220 |
active |
2005 |
2038 |
GB |
Impregilo New Cross Ltd. |
100.0 |
holding |
Turkey |
Ospedale di Gaziantep |
35.5 |
1875 |
Not yet active |
2016 |
2044 |
Country |
Operator |
% of |
No. of |
Stage |
Start date |
End date |
GB |
Impregilo Parking Glasgow Ltd. |
100.0 |
1,400 |
active |
2004 |
2034 |