
The portfolio of concession activities held by the Salini Impregilo Group includes two main business areas: a first one, comprised of investments in already active concession holder companies in Argentina, Peru, Colombia and the United Kingdom, and a second one, consisting of Greenfield projects, which includes contracts for infrastructures in Italy and Peru that are still under construction and with regard to which the activities under concession will begin in the future.

In 2014, it is worth mentioning the important award of the contract for the construction of Line 2 of the Lima Underground. However, the inability to reach an agreement with the Argentinian Government over the necessary restructuring of the Puentes del Litoral contract meant that the shareholders were required to put the company into liquidation, consequently revoking the concession agreement.

The tables that follow show the key figures of the concession portfolio at the end of the period, broken down by type of activity.


CountryConcessionaire company% of investmentTotal kmStageStart dateEnd date
Italy Broni - Mortara 61.08 50 Not yet active 2010 2057
  Port of Ancona 47   Not yet active 2014 2050
Argentina Iglys S.A. 98   holding company    
  Autopistas Del Sol 19.82 120 Active 1993 2020
  Puentes del Litoral S.A. 26 59.6 in liquidation 1998  
  Mercovia S.A. 60 18 Active 1996 2021
Colombia Yuma Concessionaria S.A.(Ruta del Sol) 40 465 Active 2011 2036

Subway systems

CountryConcessionaire Company% of investmentTotal kmStageStart dateEnd date
Italy Milan subway Line 4 31.05 15 Not yet active 2014 2045
Peru Lima Underground 18.25 35 Not yet active 2014 2049

Energy from renewable sources

CountryConcessionaire Company% of investmentInstalled capacityStageStart dateEnd date
Argentina Yacilec S.A. 18.67 T line Active 1992 2091
  Enecor S.A. 30.00 T line Active 1995 2094

Integrated water cycle

CountryConcessionaire Company% of investmentPop. servedStageStart dateEnd date
Argentina Aguas del G. Buenos Aires S.A. 42.58 210,000 Liquidation    
Peru Consorcio Agua Azul S.A. 25.50 740,000 Active 2000 2027


CountryConcessionaire Company% of investmentCar parking BedsStageStart dateEnd date
Great Britain Impregilo Wolverhampton Ltd. 20.00 150,000 medical visits Active 2002 2032
  Ochre Solutions Ltd. 40.00 220 Active 2005 2038
  Impregilo New Cross Ltd. 100.00   holding company    
Turkey Gaziantep Hospital 35.50 1875 Not yet active    

Car parks

CountryConcessionaire Company% of investmentCar parking spacesStageStart dateEnd date
Great Britain Impregilo Parking Glasgow Ltd. 100.00 1400 Active 2004 2034
Italy Corso del Popolo S.p.A. 55.00   Not yet active    


Country Concessionaire Company % of investment Stage Start date End date
Italy Piscine dello Stadio S.r.l. 70.00 Active 2014 2041