13. Appointment of statutory auditors

Article. 29) of Salini Impregilo S.p.A.’s Bylaws requires that “the shareholders elect a Board of Statutory Auditors, consisting of three standing and two alternate statutory auditors.

The Statutory Auditors must meet the requirements prescribed by law, the Bylaws and other applicable statutes.

Appointment of the Board of Statutory Auditors takes place using lists submitted by the shareholders using the methods and within the timeframe set out below in accordance with the applicable legislation on gender equality. The candidates shall be listed in numerical sequence in each list. The lists have two sections: one for the candidate for the office of statutory auditor and one for the candidate for the office of alternate statutory auditor. They shall include at least one candidate for each position and may comprise up to a maximum of three candidates for the office of statutory auditor and up to two for the office of alternate auditor.

Lists submitted by the shareholders are filed at the companys registered office to be available for public consultation as indicated in the notice calling the shareholders meeting. They shall be filed at least twenty-five days before the date of first call of the meeting, unless other mandatory terms are established by legislative and regulatory provisions.

Lists that have a total number of candidates of three or more must contain candidates of both genders, so that the gender with fewer representatives has at least one fifth (on the first term of office starting after August 12, 2012) and then one-third (rounded up) of the candidates to the office of Statutory Auditor, and at least one fifth (on the first term of office starting after August 12, 2012) and then one-third (rounded up) of the candidates to the office of Alternate Auditor.

Shareholders, shareholders forming part of significant shareholder agreements as per Article 122 of Legislative Decree no. 58 of February 24, 1998, the parent, subsidiaries and jointly controlled entities as per Article 93 of the same decree may not present, or be involved in presenting (also via trustees or nominees), more than one list. Nor can they vote (also via trustees or nominees) for more than one list. Moreover, each candidate may only be present in one list in order to be eligible. Acceptances or votes breaching such prohibition shall not be assigned to any list.

Only those shareholders that, either individually or together with other shareholders, own shares making up the percentage of share capital required for presentation of lists for candidate directors, may present lists (see section 4.1 of this report).

Together with each list, and within the timeframe described earlier, the shareholders deposit: (i) information about the shareholders presenting the list; (ii) statements whereby each candidate accepts their candidature and states, under their own responsibility, the inexistence of any reasons for ineligibility or incompatibility and the existence of the requirements for the relevant offices, including compliance with the ceiling for the number of positions that can be held under the current law and regulations; (iii) a professional and personal profile of each candidate; and (iv) any other information that is requested by the applicable law or regulations given in the notice calling the shareholders meeting.

A certificate issued by a legally-authorized intermediary must also be filed, within the time limit established in the rules governing the publication of lists by the Company, showing ownership of the number of shares necessary to submit lists at the date of filing of the list with the Company.

Lists submitted that do not meet the above requirements will be treated as not having been submitted.

Candidates who are ineligible or incompatible or who do not meet the requirements established by the applicable laws and regulations or hold more offices than the maximum limits established in the applicable laws and regulations cannot be included in the lists.

The Statutory Auditors are elected as follows:

  1. two Statutory Auditors and one Alternate Auditor are taken from the list that obtains the highest number of votes in the shareholders meeting, according to the numerical sequence in which they are listed in the sections of the list;
  2. the remaining Statutory Auditor and the remaining Alternate Auditor are taken from the list that receives the second highest number of votes and is submitted and voted by parties who are not connected, directly or indirectly, with the reference shareholders, pursuant to Article 148.2 of Legislative Decree no. 58 of February 24, 1998, according to the numerical sequence in which the candidates are listed in the sections of this list (“Minority list”). If two lists receive the same amount of votes, the elected candidates shall be taken from the list submitted by the shareholders holding the largest ownership stake or, subordinately, from the list submitted by the largest number of shareholders.

If the above method does not ensure the composition of the Board of Statutory Auditors in accordance with the applicable legislation on gender equality, the elected candidates shall be substituted accordingly using the list that obtained the most votes, according to the numerical sequence in which the candidates are listed.

When the list system is not used, shareholders elect statutory auditors by majority vote, subject to the applicable legislation on gender equality.

The candidate listed first on the Minority List shall serve as Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors.

Statutory Auditors shall cease to hold office in the cases contemplated in the applicable laws and regulations and whenever they no longer meet the requirements for election prescribed by these Bylaws.

When one of the Statutory Auditors needs to be replaced, the Alternate Auditor from the same list is co-opted. If both the Statutory and Alternate Auditors from the Minority List are no longer in office, the vacancy shall be filled by the candidate listed next on that list or, if not available, by the first candidate on the Minority List that obtained the second largest number of votes.

In all cases, the replacement procedure detailed above must ensure that the composition of the Board of Statutory Auditors complies with the applicable legislation on gender equality.

The Shareholders Meeting held pursuant to Article 2401, Section 1, of the Italian Civil Code, shall elect or replace Statutory Auditors in compliance with the principle of necessary representation of minorities, and in compliance with the applicable legislation on gender equality.

Outgoing Statutory Auditors may be re-elected.

As required by Article 1.2.b) and c) and paragraph 3 of Ministerial Decree no. 162 of March 30, 2000, fields and sectors of activity closely connected with those of the businesses operated by the Company shall be understood to mean the fields (legal, economic, financial and technical-scientific) and the sectors of activity connected with or relating to the activity carried out by the Company as set forth in the corporate purpose".

On March 19, 2015, the Board of Directors called an Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting for April 30, 2015, in order to amend the last paragraph of Article 29 of the Bylaws as follows:

“As required by Article 1.2.b) and c) and paragraph 3 of Ministerial Decree no. 162 of March 30,

2000, the fields (legal, economic, financial and technical-scientific) and the sectors serving areas of engineering, geology, construction of public and private works, building, and construction in general are considered strictly relevant to the scope of activities of the Company”.

For further information on this item, please see the Board of Directors’ Report that will be published on the company’s website www.salini-impregilo.com under the “Governance – Shareholders Meeting” section.