2017 1H Interactive KPIs

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1The figure includes community investments. For further details, please refer to G4-EC7.
2The decrease of direct employees in comparison with 2014 is due to the physiologic lag between the demobilization of some large projects and the mobilization of personnel in new-awarded projects, as well as due to the retirement of employees from projects located in geopolitical unstable areas, in order to safeguard their safety.
3The intensity index is calculated without taking into account all of the Scope 3 emissions, but rather only those generated from the Group's projects (i.e. arising from the activities of subcontractors), thus excluding those resulting from freight forwarding and staff travel.

*Emissions related to SO2, VOC and HAP are produced by asphalt production plants of the subsidiary Lane Industries (USA), acquired on 4 January 2016.