Consolidated income statement

(Amounts in thousands of euros)

  1st quarter 2014 1st quarter 2013 
Operating revenue 813,643  305,825 
Other revenue 45,343  2,035 
Total revenue 858,986  307,860 
Purchasing costs (113,087)  (71,319) 
Subcontractors (195,955)  (68,541) 
Service costs (342,684)  (80,414) 
Personnel costs (104,272)  (39,909) 
Other operating costs (8,881)  (992) 
Depreciation, amortization, accruals and impairment losses (49,040)  (19,550) 
Total costs (813,919)  (280,725) 
Operating profit (loss) 45,067  27,135 
Financing income (costs) and gains (losses) on investments 
Financial income 9,692  3,617 
Financial expense (34,781) (5,583) 
Net exchange rate gains (losses) 5,312 (2,822)
Net financing costs (19,777)  (4,788) 
Net gains on investments 3,793  20,308 
Net financing costs and net gains on investments (15,984)  15,520 
Profit (loss) before taxes 29,083  42,655 
Income tax expense (9,597)  (7,202) 
Profit (loss) from continuing operations 19,486  35,453 
Profit from discontinued operations 725  (6,289) 
Net profit (loss) 20,211  29,164 
Profit (Loss) attributable to: 
Owners of the Parent 15,292  30,328 
Non-controlling interests 4,919  (1,164)