Alternative performance indicators

As required by Consob Communication No. 6064293 of July 28, 2006, information about the composition of the performance indicators used in this document and in the corporate communications of the Salini Impregilo Group is provided below.

Financial ratios:

Debt/Equity ratio: This indicator corresponds to the ratio of net financial position as the numerator (with a negative sign signifying net debt) to shareholders’ equity as the denominator. The consolidated statement of financial position items making up the financial position are listed in the specific table in the notes. The shareholders’ equity items are those included in the relevant section of the consolidated statement of financial position. On a consolidated basis, the shareholders’ equity used for this ratio includes the amount attributable to minority interests.

Performance indicators:

  • EBITDA or Gross operating profit: This indicator is the algebraic sum of the following items included in the income statement for the period:
    • Total revenue.
    • Total costs, except for depreciation and amortization.
      This indicator can also be shown in percentage form, as the ratio of EBITDA to Total revenue.
  • EBIT or Operating Profit: This indicator corresponds to the operating profit shown in the income statement and is equal to the algebraic sum of Total revenue and Total costs.
  • Return on sales or R.o.S.: This indicator, stated as a percentage, shows the ratio of EBIT, computed in the manner described above, to Total revenue


The Board of Directors

The Chairman