With reference to the International operating sector, the portfolio of concession activities held by the Group mainly consists of both equity investments in operators that have already fully entered the operational stage (and hence are providing services remunerated by fees or tariffs paid by consumers) and companies that are still developing projects and building the relevant infrastructure, which, therefore, will start service provision only from future financial years onwards.
The concessions in the current portfolio are distributed across Latin America (Argentina, Colombia, Peru) and the United Kingdom. They are in the transport (highways, subways, car parks), hospital and renewables sectors, as well as in the water treatment sector.
Two concessionaires in Argentina are currently being wound up and the relevant contracts have been terminated.
The following tables show the key data for International operations at December 31, 2015, broken down by activity type:
Contry |
Concessionaire Company |
% of |
Total km |
Stage |
Start date |
End date |
Argentina |
Iglys S.A. |
98.0 |
holding |
Argentina |
Autopistas Del Sol |
19.8 |
120 |
active |
1993 |
2020 |
Argentina |
Puentes del Litoral S.A. |
26.0 |
59.6 |
in liquidation |
1998 |
Argentina |
Mercovia S.A. |
60.0 |
18 |
active |
1996 |
2021 |
Colombia |
Yuma Concessionaria S.A.(Ruta del Sol) |
48.3 |
465 |
active |
2011 |
2036 |
Subway systems
Country |
Concessionaire Company |
% of |
Total km |
Stage |
Start date |
End date |
Peru |
Metro de Lima Linea 2 S.A. |
18.3 |
35 |
not yet active |
2014 |
2049 |
Energy from renewable sources
Country |
Concessionaire Company |
% of |
Installed |
Stage |
Start date |
End date |
Argentina |
Yacylec S.A. |
18.7 |
T line |
active |
1992 |
2091 |
Argentina |
Enecor S.A. |
30.0 |
T line |
active |
1995 |
2094 |
Integrated water cycle
Country |
Concessionaire Company |
% of |
Pop. |
Stage |
Start date |
End date |
Argentina |
Aguas del G. Buenos Aires S.A. |
42.6 |
210,000 |
in liqudation |
2000 |
Peru |
Consorcio Agua Azul S.A. |
25.5 |
740,000 |
active |
2000 |
2027 |
Country |
Concessionaire Company |
% of |
Car parking |
Stage |
Start |
End date |
Great Britain |
Impregilo Wolverhampton Ltd. |
20.0 |
150,000 medical visits |
active |
2002 |
2032 |
Great Britain |
Ochre Solutions Ltd-Ospedale di Oxford |
40.0 |
220 |
active |
2005 |
2038 |
Great Britain |
Impregilo New Cross Ltd. |
100.0 |
holding |
Turkey |
Ospedale di Gaziantep |
35.5 |
1875 |
not yet active |
2016 |
2044 |
Car parks
Country |
Concessionaire Company |
% of |
Car parking |
Stage |
Start date |
End date |
Great Britain |
Impregilo Parking Glasgow Ltd. |
100.0 |
1400 |
active |
2004 |
2034 |
It should be noted that in 2014 the associate Ochre Solutions - in which Impregilo International Infrastructures NV holds a 40% interest share and which owns the concession contract for Oxford University Hospitals - received two warning notices concerning the quality of the services offered. Some aspects of the aforementioned notices are being disputed by the Company. Despite this, receiving three notices in a six-months’ period constitutes a default event under the contractual agreements between the company and the grantor. A default event would allow the grantor to terminate the concession contract, resulting in the transfer of all rights under the contract to the grantor against contractually-regulated compensation. The Directors of Ochre Solution are constantly liaising with the grantor and, in July 2015, signed an agreement with the grantor, which, following corrective action that will be implemented by the company and whose effects are included in the company’s budget, shall prevent the termination of the contract.