Group performance

Table 1 - Reclassified consolidated income statement

(€’000)Note (*) 1st half 2016 1st half 2015
Revenue   2,568,597 2,137,187 431,410
Other income   70,893 63,888 7,005
Total revenue 31 2,639,490 2,201,075 438,415
Operating expenses (°) 32 (2,397,330) (1,973,608) (423,722)
Gross operating profit   242,160 227,467 14,693
Gross operating profit margin %   9.2% 10.3%  
Amortisation and depreciation 32 (123,525) (101,024) (22,501)
Operating profit   118,635 126,443 (7,808)
Return on Sales %   4.5% 5.7%  
Financing income (costs) and gains (losses) on investments        
Net financing costs 33 (44,612) (26,798) (17,814)
Net gains on investments 34 7,413 1,212 6,201
Net financing costs and net gains on investments   (37,199) (25,586) (11,613)
Profit before tax   81,436 100,857 (19,421)
Income tax expense 35 (31.769) (35.463) 3,694
Profit from continuing operations   49,667 65,394 (15,727)
Loss from discontinued operations 18 (20.418) (5.096) (15.322)
Profit for the period   29,249 60,298 (31,049)
Non-controlling interests   (18,026) (7,269) (10,757)
Profit for the period attributable to the owners of the parent   11,223 53,029 (41,806)

(*) The note numbers refer to the notes to the condensed interim consolidated financial statements where the items are analysed in detail.
(°) They include provisions and impairment losses of €3,090 thousand.
§) The income statement for the first half of 2015 was restated to comply with IFRS 5 given the disposal scope of Todini Costruzioni Generali Group. The figures in this column do not include Lane acquired on 4 January 2016.